Spring is here! And... with the pretty posies comes the pollen and bugs. Let our Spring Bundle come all of your spingtime needs! This bundles pairs a 1oz Allergy Tincture with our Gardener's Salve and Bug Off essential oil roll-on blend. So get prepped and get outside today!
Spring Bundle
Allergy Tincture: Nettle leaf*, Yerba santa*, Elderflower*, Licorice*, ethanol.
Gardener's Salve: Apricot kernal oil*, Chickweed*, Violet*, Lemon balm*, beeswax*, mixed tocopherols*, Niaouli oil*, Lavender oil.
Bug Off Roll-on blend: Fractionated coconut oil*, Rosemary oil, Lemongrass oil, Citronella oil, Spearmint oil*